CK5/14 + p63 + P504S Multiplex IHC


In prostate tissue, mRNA for CK5 and CK14 has been detected in the basal cells of normal glands and prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), a precursor lesion to prostatic adenocarcinoma; however, expression of CK5 or CK14 was not identified in invasive prostatic adenocarcinoma. p63 was detected in nuclei of the basal epithelium in normal prostate glands; however, it was not expressed in malignant tumors of the prostate. In IHC, P504S has been shown to be a specific marker of prostatic adenocarcinoma. Additionally, prostate glands involved in PIN have been found to express P504S, whereas P504S was nearly undetectable in benign glands.

Formerly known as PIN-4®



SOURCE Mouse Monoclonal, Mouse Monoclonal, Mouse Monoclonal, Rabbit Polyclonal
ISOTYPE IgGIgG1/kappaIgG2a/kappaIgG3
LOCALIZATION CytoplasmicGranular cytoplasmNuclear
STAINING Brown (DAB), Brown (DAB), Brown (DAB), Red (Warp Red)

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