Factor XIIIa


This is a monoclonal antibody to the A-subunit of human coagulation Factor XIII. Studies have shown it recognizes human Factor XIII Achain in both reduced and non-reduced forms. It does not react with human Factor XIII B-chain or human Factor XII. Factor XIII is a betaglobulin found in plasma and is composed of two subunits. Factor XIIIA is the catalytic subunit and is a dimer of M.W. 160,000. According to studies, Factor XIII is present in plasma as an alpha2beta2 heterodimer (M.W. 320,000); whereas in platelets, only the alpha2 unit exists. Factor XIIIa is a dermal dendrocyte marker and shows variable reaction with these types of tumors (3,4). It can be used for histiocytic phenotyping and has been reported to mark capillary hemangiomas and tumors of the central nervous system (1-6). Factor XIIIa has also been used with CD34 to differentiate between dermatofibroma and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (3).



SOURCE Mouse Monoclonal
CLONE E980.1
ANTIGEN Factor XIIIa C-terminus
POSITIVE CONTROL Dermatofibroma, placenta or skin
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Regulatory Notice: Biocare’s IVD-labeled products comply with US-FDA and European IVDD regulation. Other regions may have additional requirements for such labeling, please contact your local distributor.


1. Probst-Cousin S, Rickert CH, Gullotta F. Factor XIIIa-immunoreactivity in tumors of the central nervous system. Clin Neuropathol. 1998 Mar;17(2):79-84.
2. Silverman JS, Tamsen A. High grade malignant fibrous histiocytomas have bimodal cycling populations of factor XIIIa + dendrophages and dedifferentiated mesenchymal cells possibly derived from CD34+ fibroblasts. Cell Vis. 1998 Jan;5(1):73-6.
3. Goldblum JR, Tuthill RJ. CD34 and factor-XIIIa immunoreactivity in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans and dermatofibroma. Am J Dermatopathol. 1997 Apr;19 (2):147-53.
4. Zelger BG, et al. Granular cell dermatofibroma. Histopathology. 1997 Sep;31 (3):258-62.
5. Silverman JS, Lomvardias S. An unusual soft tissue tumor with features of angiomatoid malignant fibrous histiocytoma composed of bimodal CD34 and factor XIIIa positive dendritic cell subsets. CD34 and factor XIIIa in angiomatoid MFH. Pathol Res Pract. 1997;193(1):51-8.
6. Sangueza OP, et al. Juvenile xanthogranuloma: a clinical, histopathologic and immunohistochemical study. J Cutan Pathol. 1995 Aug;22(4):327-35
7. Center for Disease Control Manual. Guide: Safety Management, NO. CDC-22, Atlanta, GA. April 30, 1976 “Decontamination of Laboratory Sink Drains to Remove Azide Salts.”
8. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Protection of Laboratory workers from occupationally Acquired Infections; Approved guideline-Third Edition CLSI document M29-A3 Wayne, PA 2005.


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